Visual Boy Advance Wireless Adapter Download Mac Can You Trade Pokemon In Pokemon Crystal In Rom In Visual Boy Advance?
Can you trade Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal in Rom in Visual Boy Advance? - visual boy advance wireless adapter download mac
Which seems that I am not the link to find Pokemon on VBA Exchange. I want to know how to do that. If there are any ideas for links with the trade in Visual Boy Advance. Pokemon Crystal is the task of Visual Boy Advance? Being an update, can bind. I am quite sure, because you just connect the wireless adapter to connect to. Is Pokemon Crystal in Rome of the trade with the Pokémon can be wireless adapter in VBALink? If I am so excited. -_ --
the feature is not available
Sorry, I know nothing about Tradin in VBA, but I think we can help in other ways.
This is not an emulator called TGB DUAL GBC roms. I use it, trade between the games PKMN Red Crystal.
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to answer your question, no. VBA does not have this feature
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